Story Massage

Meet Story Sloth! You’ll see him in most of my Story Massage videos.
Story Massage offers a fun and fully inclusive way of combining the creativity of story, song and rhyme with the benefits of positive touch. Everyone can join in, whatever age or ability.
I first discovered The Story Massage Programme when I was looking into new ways to share stories with Leo and enrolled in the training programme. Very quickly we became big fans! After qualifying as a Story Massage Programme Practitioner, I created a Story Massage version of ‘Leo and the Lightning Dragons. The storytelling videos I recorded for OnFife Libraries also have Story Massage versions. To access them, click on the links on the Multi-Sensory Storytelling page.
I was delighted to receive a Best Practice Award for Story Massage in December 2021.
To find out more about the Story Massage Programme, please visit: www.storymassage.co.uk